I hope there will be modding tools so I can at least make it "free" in "my game". Or, if you feel like it would completely break the game to make Bless "free to use", like adrenaline, or teleport, or tactical retreat etc. Thirdly, something like holy fire is not that broken anyway, since all enemy NPCs, as long as they are human, will benefit from it as well, so, it is still a doubled edged sword by default. Secondly, when I have to make a decision between "do I want to spend a source point casting bless, or something that is way more powerful", why would I ever use bless? Source points are not plentiful enough nor can you carry them enough to make spending them on bless a viable choice, ever. You only get XP for the currently active illusions in combat. Killing the real Trompdoy kill all of his Illusions.

In the final combat area, you can tell which one is the real Trompdoy if it has the Cursed status. You gain 2,950 XP for correctly answering the statues questions. Blessed Fire Surfaces apply Holy Fire for 1 turn, grants 150 Fire Resistance and Immunity to Frozen, Burning, Chilled, Warm and Wet. Act Two, Driftwood: More Source Points: You can gain up to 2 more Source Points by completing one of the seven quests related to the Powerful Awakening quest. Each of Trompdoys Illusions (1) give 1200 XP if killed. which further makes it uncomfortable to keep using source points, because having to make a trip to your nearest source puddle to recharge the ability, is REALLY annoying. Bless Spell: You get the bless skill from interacting with statues of the Seven located in one of several locations. Bless serves as a gimmick ability, so you need to be using it on quest etc. During the EA, it was my favorite spell, right after haste and spread your wings, but now, I just don't like using it anymore.įor one, source abilities require the memory slots like all abilities, but unlike normal abilities, you can't "just use them". As it is, I never feel comfortable using it.

Trompdoy's curse is immune to cure through Bless.Doing so will instantly kill any remaining Trompdoy. As such you need only kill the original Trompdoy (the version with a staff that spawns to the right of you along across the gap in the bridge) to end the encounter. During the fight along the bridge with multiple Trompdoy within the Dark Cavern, Trompdoy will continue to summon additional Trompdoy so long as the original Trompdoy remains undefeated.If you engage the fight head on the original is in the top right or south-east corner, equipped with a staff and will cast Chamelon Cloak right away. Subsequent clone summons do not give exp. The Threads of a Curse quest in Divinity: Original Sin II will be. For maximum exp gain it is advised to keep the original Trompdoy alive and kill all the clones first, each kill rewards you with 1200 exp. WebIn gameplay, the Source is linked to Bless and Curse abilities and also provides.Trompdoy first appears in Braccus Rex's hidden Dark Cavern.Trompdoy had been cursed by Braccus to be an eternal guardian for one of his many secret treasure troves.

However, regardless of what you choose to do with him during your first meeting he will appear later within the dungeon revealing that he is a powerful illusionist. Giving you the option to ignore or slay him. Trompdoy will first greet you with insults after his sudden appearance within the Dark Cavern.Trompdoy is an NPC in Divinity: Original Sin 2.